The latest skincare buzz from GlowLuxe

5 Things To Do Before Your Laser Hair Removal Treatment.

5 things to do before your laser hair removal treatment in Victoria bc

Laser hair removal has gained immense popularity as a long-lasting solution for unwanted hair. Before you embark on your journey to silky-smooth skin, there are essential steps you need to take to ensure a safe and effective treatment. Lets explore five important things to do before your laser hair removal session.

Concerned about Accutane side effects? You’re not alone.

Accutane is a prescription form of Vitamin E, designed to reduce the amount of oil released by glands in the skin. While it is the first course of action for many physicians, Accutane should only be used as an absolute last resort for those suffering with severe forms of acne. Accutane is often being prescribed in instances where other much safer methods could be used,